lets talk mental health awareness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This started in 1949 by the National Association for Mental Health, now called Mental Health America. Each year they release a tool kit and theme for the purpose of ending stigma and increasing knowledge of mental health. 2023 THEME “The theme of Mental Health Awareness Month 2023 is LOOK …

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Is laughter really the best medicine? You know that euphoric feeling after you’ve had a deep belly laugh? It turns out that feeling is the release of endorphins that can help combat anxiety and depression by altering our dopamine and serotonin activity. Laughter helps us to relieve stress by decreasing our serum levels of cortisol …

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What are peptides? Peptides are small chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. They regulate a variety of biological functions and processes to optimize cellular functioning in the body. These naturally occurring peptides act as signaling molecules within the body and instruct other cells and molecules on what functions to perform. …

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Lets Talk Sexual Health

Valentine’s Day is February 14th, and love is in the air…or maybe not! People who suffer from sexual dysfunction may feel stressed and overwhelmed around this holiday with expectations of physical intimacy running high. What is sexual health? The World Health Organization defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being …

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February is known for cold weather, Groundhogs Day and Valentines Day. With that comes stores and commercials with brightly colored gifts, chocolates, and jewelry to show your loved one how you “feel.” Valentines Day is supposed to be a day “all about love, romance and relationships.” What about those that aren’t currently in a relationship? …

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One of the most common traditions associated with the new year is resolutions. Too often people fail at meeting their resolutions by the end of the year, and most fail before  February ! Although you may plan out your goals and make consistent effort to reach them, it is not always enough. I’d like to …

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Often times in therapy, we work with clients on using their breath as a tool. This can be a very helpful practice, and there are many ways to use breath as a tool to affect how you are feeling. Breath can change your state, and it is a great check in tool and can be …

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Learning About Your Nervous System Can Help You Feel Better Faster Therapy involves so many things. Connecting with someone new, talking about hard things, and building new skills that support healing, growth, and healthy change. The work takes time, dedication to practice, and lots of vulnerability. Therapy would also not be complete without building new …

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