Mental Health

Let's Talk KAP header with Lotus logo

Are you seeking Ketamine Therapy? Many people are currently looking into Ketamine therapy for depression, PTSD, and other mental health-related issues, as the research has shown some very promising results. The following article will help you better understand Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy or KAP, which is when you pair Ketamine therapy with psychotherapy for longer-lasting and potentially …

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Let's Talk EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), sometimes referred to as “tapping therapy,” incorporates elements of both exposure therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). “Tapping” is a key technique in EFT and involves the somatic stimulation of pressure points located on the body. Simply, tapping on these pressure points can help in times of anxiety and distress and …

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lets talk metabolism title

Metabolism and Mental Health While mental illnesses are primarily understood as disorders of the brain, disturbances in metabolism can play a role in their development or exacerbation. Metabolic causes of mental illness are complex and can involve various factors related to the body’s metabolism, including genetics, hormones, neurotransmitters, and energy production. Here are some key …

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lets talk holidays

Navigating the holidays can be a challenging endeavor, and integrating concepts from Brene Brown can provide valuable insights. Brown, a renowned researcher and author, focuses on vulnerability, shame, and wholehearted living. The Holiday Season is a Unique Opportunity to Practice Concepts From Brene Brown Embrace Vulnerability Brown emphasizes vulnerability as the birthplace of joy, love, …

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Let's Talk EMDR Therapy

Have you heard about EMDR therapy? EMDR therapy is relatively new and has been making the rounds in many treatment centers, and for good reason! Even if you are new to EMDR, this post goes over all the information you need to decide if it’s something you may benefit from. EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and …

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Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is a powerful and innovative approach to psychotherapy that offers a fresh perspective on healing and self-discovery. Developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz in the 1980s, IFS is gaining recognition as an alternative and highly effective modality compared to more traditional forms of therapy. At its core, IFS views the human …

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lets talk about bullying

Bullying can have a large impact on an individual whether it be an adult or a child. Unfortunately bullying is an “incredibly common and destructive process that happens throughout the lifespan,” according to Dr. Scott Langenecker, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Huntsman Mental Health Institute, “but it hurts the most when you’re young.” When a …

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Let's talk ketamine therapy!

Inner work is not easy, but with the aid of Ketamine therapy or other psychedelic medicines, we have seen doors open quickly and present an invitation to profound healing. It is important to remember that the medicine is simply the first step in your healing journey. Ketamine might be seen as a key that can …

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